The Meditative State. Science and the Big Questions: Roundtable Series on the Physical and Spiritual World, the Brain-Mind Connection, Human Development and Genetics. Helix Center & John Templeton Foundation (12 March 2016, New York) [invited roundtable discussant]
The case for mindfulness. Launch event for Mindfulness All-Party Parliamentary Group Report – Mindful Nation UK , Knowsley Borough Council (07 March 2016, Knowsley) [invited talk]
Meditation and Mindfulness Research at Liverpool John Moores University. Cultivating the Mind: Mindfulness Research and Practice Day. 18 November 2015, Liverpool John Moores University [main event organiser]
The judging brain in meditation. CMC-Contemplative Summer Institute Consciousness-Mindfulness-Compassion International Association (16 – 20 September 2015, Velez-Malaga, Spain) [main summer school organiser]
Mindfulness and the brain. International Mindfulness Conference Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice, University of Bangor (03 – 07 July 2015, Chester) [pre-conference workshop contribution]
Mindfulness at work: Engagement and resilience in the workplace. BPS Division of Clinical Psychology, National Faculty for Psychology of Older People (FPOP) Annual Conference (02-03 July 2015) [invited talk]
Mindfulness in patient-centred care. Albert Einstein University, Mexico City (09-13 June 2015) [bespoke professional training]
Attentional processes of mindfulness practice. Mindfulness & the Brain. Cognitive Neuroscience of Mindfulness Conference, University of Bangor, Wales (11-15 April 2014) [Keynote]
The neuroscience of mindful attention. Mindfulness & the Brain. Cognitive Neuroscience of Mindfulness Conference, University of Bangor, Wales (11-15 April 2014) [Keynote]
The science of mindfulness and meditation. Café Scientifique Cockermouth (20 November 2012) [Invited Talk]
The psychology and neuroscience of living in a mindful way. Centre for Sustainable Fashion. London College of Fashion (Helen Storey, MBE) (03 October 2012) [Invited Talk]
Health benefits of mindfulness practice, Summer School in Mind/Body Medicine, University Duisburg-Essen (23 – 26 August 2012) [Invited Talk]
Cognitive Neuroscience: Bringing together brain and mind. Exploring the Nature of Consciousness. The Contemplative Consciousness Network, Regent’s College, London (19 June 2012) [Invited Talk]
Using Buddhist principles in science. Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Hamburg (13 – 15 April 2012) [Invited Workshop]
Meditation in the lab: The mind from without and from within. Café Scientifique Liverpool (13 December 2011) [Invited Talk]
Meditation und Gehirn.[Meditation and the Brain] Way of Hope – Science and Spirituality, Weiz, Austria (14 – 16 October 2011) [Invited Talk]
Mindfulness and attentional abilities. Mindfulness Now, University of Bangor, Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (08 – 10 April 2011). [Invited Talk]
The Science of Meditation. Science and Spirituality: VII Congreso de Diálogo UNESCO, Malaga (19 February 2011). [Invited Talk]
Meditation und mindfulness for well-being. Meditation & Science 2010 – Interdisciplinary Congress on the Science of Meditation and Consciousness, Berlin (26 – 27 November 2010). [Invited Talk]
Mind, the Buddha and the brain. University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (14 September 2010). [Invited Talk]
Psychological and physiological effects of meditation. Café Scientifique Headingley, Leeds (07 June 2010) [Invited Talk]
Introduction to the panel discussion ‘Buddhismus und Hirnforschung – Wie wirkt Meditation?’ Zeitlose Werte – Dauerhaftes Glück [‘Buddhism and brain science – How meditation works‘ Timeless Values – Lasting Happiness], Ruhr-University Bochum (1 – 5 April 2010) [Invited Presentation]
Sustaining Happiness: The Psychology and Neuroscience of Meditation, 32nd Mystics and Scientists Conference, University of Winchester (3-5 April 2009) [Keynote]